Insulation for industrial and civil plant engineering

The best insulation products produced and distributed in Italy and abroad

For informations: tel. +39 035 401110

Bergamo Isolanti offers an extensive catalog of insulating products for industrial insulation. We are specialists in the distribution and production of all types of insulating materials: materials for general insulation, thermo-acoustic materials, finishes for insulation, fireproofing materials, smoke and synergistic products. Transport service and order management guaranteed by Bergamo Isolanti.

Over the years, the company has developed a particular focus on the industrial plant engineering and production sector, with customised systems developed in-house through in-depth scientific research. We participate in the development of the technologies applied by our customers by providing continuous support, from the selection of materials through to delivery and final testing, in order to guarantee perfect overall optimisation of the use of the insulating products.

Informazioni ex articolo 1, comma 125 bis, della Legge 4/8/2017 n. 124

Soggetto ricevente: Bergamo Isolanti Spa (già Isolanti Group Srl) – codice fiscale 03593260163

Ai sensi dell’art. 1, comma 125 bis, della Legge 4 agosto 2017, n. 124, in ottemperanza all’obbligo di trasparenza, si segnala che i contributi pubblici ricevuti dalla società nel corso degli anni 2020, 2021 e 2022 sono stati pubblicati nella sezione trasparenza del Registro Nazionale degli aiuti di Stato, a cui si rimanda.