Bergamo Isolanti Spa | Privacy policy

Privacy Policy
Italian Personal Data Protection Code Legislative Decree no. 196/2003

The brief document that follows constitutes the Policy of our organization regarding On Line and Off Line Privacy.

We believe that it is appropriate to collect a series of information about the processing of personal data carried out by us, and bring it to the attention of the user-customer.

We only handle common user-customer data. Access to the website operated by us and the use of its content imply acceptance of the terms of the Privacy Policy set out below.


Our company collects personal data (name-surname-telephone-email, sometimes address) through the receipt of e-mails, faxes and telephone calls, for the sole purpose of being able to provide its services and for the necessary administrative-accounting-fiscal management.


The personal data subject to processing are processed lawfully and correctly, and are collected and recorded for specific, explicit and legitimate purposes.

Our company commits not to communicate or disseminate any information concerning users for commercial purposes.

The company structure has security measures in place to minimize the risk of damage to the integrity or confidentiality of processed data.


In order to provide a complete service, our site contains links to other websites, managed by us, by associations and companies related to us, and also not managed by us.

It is not the responsibility of our company to ensure compliance with privacy regulations by sites that are not managed by us to which any reference is made.

The document is kept at the registered office.


Pursuant to art. 7 of the Personal Data Protection Code, every interested party (person whose data is processed by us) has the right to know at any time what personal data is in our possession and how it is used. He or she also has the right to have said data updated, supplemented, corrected or deleted, or to request suspension or object to their processing, by sending a request to that effect to the following e-mail address:

Informazioni ex articolo 1, comma 125 bis, della Legge 4/8/2017 n. 124

Soggetto ricevente: Bergamo Isolanti Spa (già Isolanti Group Srl) – codice fiscale 03593260163

Ai sensi dell’art. 1, comma 125 bis, della Legge 4 agosto 2017, n. 124, in ottemperanza all’obbligo di trasparenza, si segnala che i contributi pubblici ricevuti dalla società nel corso degli anni 2020, 2021 e 2022 sono stati pubblicati nella sezione trasparenza del Registro Nazionale degli aiuti di Stato, a cui si rimanda.